Social Security Disability Attorney Serving Columbia, MO

Protecting your social security disability rights

Social Security Disability Overview

For workers who qualify for Social Security disability benefits, a successful claim represents their best hope in a difficult situation. Social Security is only for people who have suffered total disability. Basically, you have to demonstrate that you cannot do the work you were doing before, you cannot adjust to new work because of your medical condition, and your disability will either last for more than 12 months or be ultimately fatal. This is a difficult thing to prove in many cases. The Columbia Social Security disability lawyers of Allen, Nelson & Wilson have extensive experience in SSDI cases and can help you obtain the benefits you deserve.

While an attorney may be helpful in filling out the initial application, many clients file on their own and only seek legal assistance if the claim is denied. At Allen, Nelson & Wilson, you will always receive honest advice designed to serve your best interests.

What to expect

Overcoming a denied claim is largely about gathering and presenting medical evidence in the best way possible. This requires experience and an understanding of what the Social Security Administration needs to approve a claim. If you are suffering from orthopedic issues, including back injuries, or are facing mental health problems, or if you have physical restrictions that prevent you from sitting, standing, walking or lifting as required by your job, you may be entitled to Social Security disability benefits.

The hearings in these cases are often scheduled for nine to 12 months in the future. The process can be very slow. The firm will help you gather the proper information and work to prepare you for what you need to say and do to show you deserve SSDI benefits. You need to be aware of what is important to stress to the judge and what is not important or even unhelpful to your case. This one-on-one coaching is an important element to maximizing your ability to recover benefits.